Health and Wellness Center
Located in the Joe Gauld Student Life and Athletic Building, the Health and Wellness Center is staffed by a full time professional nurse and a full time Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Students in need of medicine, medical assistance or psychological services and counseling are free to visit the HHWC with or without an appointment.
In addition, Hyde School maintains strong relationships with local pediatricians, orthopedists, orthodontists, psychiatrists, therapists/counselors and other medical professionals, who are readily available to see our students and provide diagnostics and care as needed.
Office Phone: (207) 443-7186
Office fax: (207) 352-4158
Monday to Friday 7:30 AM to 3:00 PM
Rebecca Cannon, LCSW, CAS
Director of Health and Wellness Center
Off-Campus Needs
Hyde School has strong relationships with local orthopedists, pediatricians, orthodontists who are readily available to see our students and provide diagnostics and care as needed.
The Health Center maintains relationships with local counselors as well as our own licensed clinical social worker and other specialty health professionals. Please contact the Health Center at (207) 443-7186 to learn more about these services.
All urgent care transportation is provided by Hyde School. Please contact Sydney Wall in the Dean of Student's Office to schedule regular off-campus transportation.
Returning Student Health Forms
Please Note: ALL students are required to have a yearly physical exam and up-to-date immunizations.
Your child’s health is important to us. The information that you provide to us each year is essential for helping the Health Center staff care for your child. In the event that your child would need medical attention while here, our medical providers would rely on this information to treat your child.