Focus on personal growth and character development to be our best self
things i learned in the family education department at Hyde:
I learned to Focus on myself rather than focusing on everyone around me. In so doing, I re-discovered who I was before I became a mother and stepped back from micro-managing my kids’ lives. This process of self-discovery helped me understand what was behind my unproductive behaviors. Letting go of these behaviors and taking hold of more productive behaviors improved my relationship with myself and my family members.
Gain resources and tools to help us be the best parents we can be
Three important things Hyde taught me about parenting:
It’s not my job to make my children happy; it’s my job to inspire them with the way I live my life.
I cannot parent from fear, anger, control or guilt; I must parent from my principles.
A sense of humor is important; I need to have the humility to laugh at myself.
Family Excellence
Understand our strengths and challenges in order to reach our best as a family
Our Hyde School experience gave us the tools we needed to grow as individuals to be be our best selves. This created a family relationship where we are all continue to challenge and support one another.