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Sustainability Efforts
Earth Day is Monday, April 22, and Hyde School has taken steps towards a greener and cleaner campus.  Hyde has enrolled in a bottle redemption program, The Clynk, and since the spring of 2022 has recycled 14,824 containers.  Some of the positive environmental impacts include saving enough energy to light 16.3 lightbulbs for 24 hours a day for a year, and diverting enough containers to fill 144.8 lobster traps.  All proceeds from The Clynk are put into the senior formal fund. 
Milos ‘25 and Helena ‘25 put together a presentation for the school to talk about recycling programs on campus and a program they both admire back home in Serbia.  Čep Za Hendikep collects plastic bottle caps that are then recycled into parts for wheelchairs.  Caps are collected by over 400 kindergartens, 830 primary schools, 190 secondary schools, 12 ministries, 25 embassies, and over 670 socially responsible companies.
"It was a pleasure talking about the topic of sustainability. It’s not only important in this school but also in the whole world. I’m glad I could talk about the steps we make in our school towards environmental sustainability, and with the help of Helena, we also have shown the steps we take back home in Serbia. It was a great experience presenting this and I hope the students are more aware of the importance of this topic." -Milos ‘25
"Taking care of the world we live in, by applying a few simple habits in our routines, leads us to take care of ourselves and others around us. I am glad that Milos and I got the chance to dig deeper into this topic since you can never be educated enough when it comes to sustainability and recycling." -Helena ‘25
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