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From the head

This week students began their mid-year reflections in their Discovery Groups. This yearly assignment asks them to

to use written and/or other artistic expression as a tool for thinking, discovery, and personal growth and to capture your growth and character at this point in time, in addition to exploring who you are, where you are going, and how you are going to get there. Write as yourself, about yourself, with nothing to prove and something to discover.


The projects can be written, oral, or visual, but all convey the following information: 

  • "Who am I?" 
  • Two Strengths
  • Two Challenges
  • Reflection on one of Hyde's Words or Principle
  • Two Goals

Each of these points has questions to help guide the student in their writing. For example, in the area of Strengths and Challenges the students are asked:


Strengths - What are your strengths as you see them? What are the best parts of you? What aspects of your character do you bet on to get you through difficult times? Where did you originally develop those strengths? How have you honed or tested them this year at Hyde? What have you learned?

Challenges - What aspects of your character are in need of work and attention? What is it that you need to or want to work on? Why are these challenges in your life? Where and when did these challenges appear in your life experiences this year? What lessons are you learning from your challenges?


The final projects will be submitted in each English class and also discussed with each student's Discovery Group leaders. Often, students will also share with some of their teachers, coaches, and family members. When students share with me, I am always inspired by their insight into themselves.


Veteran English Faculty member Mary Agnes Edsall has spearheaded this important project for many years. As she explains the importance of this assignment, "This is a valuable practice in all of our lives - to take a pause to assess and reassess our goals, our visions, and our habits in order to fuel our motivation to move forward."


Welcome back, everyone. We look forward to reaching for our best in 2025!


Laura D. Gauld '76


Archive: From the Head