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From the head

In this week's school meeting, we all witnessed what happens when students and faculty dare to be vulnerable and share themselves. The meeting started with a group of young men who talked about what it was like growing up without a father in their lives. Their courage to be vulnerable with the school set the tone for others. Some of the comments they received included:

'"Thanks for your bravery in sharing your story with us. It has inspired me."

"I can relate to you and now realize that I can talk about things like this."

"You all set such a positive example around school."

During the rest of the meeting, students and faculty got up to share "pearls of wisdom" they have learned at Hyde and in their lives. Examples include:

  • The only constant in life is change, so embrace it.

  • Everything turns out fine, but you have to do something.

  • Every decision you make will make you grow.

  • I used to think…You do you and I will do me. Now I have learned if I lift up the community, the community will lift me up.

  • Don’t get stuck in the past.

  • Be prepared for opportunity; then have the courage to grab it.

  • You can solve almost anything by taking the first step.

  • It's not what happens to you that defines you; it is what you do with what happens to you.

  • A chip on your shoulder doesn’t serve you or anyone else.

  • Build your success on your character.

  • Let others help you become what you are meant to be.

  • I have learned that when I embrace something, I enjoy it more.

As we wrap up our last two weeks together as a community and say goodbye to the class of 2024, we are realizing this week that we have learned much from each other.

Laura D. Gauld '76

Archive: From the Head