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From the head

Hyde's character program is not just for the students. Faculty and parents are also asked to examine themselves and connect with other adults in a meaningful way.

This month, the parent regions and veteran faculty members had their winter retreats either on ZOOM or in person. The theme of the retreat was "Somewhere over the Rainbow."

  • Making a Unique Potential Box- using images, words, and photos to share our deeper self
  • Visual Roadmap - identifying the forks and decision points along our journey
  • Trust Walk - Walking with a partner to talk about our strengths and challenges
  • Letter Reading - Writing a letter to our unique potential to share our vision for the future

The faculty who participated were inspired by the willingness of our parents to set an example for their children with their self-discovery and growth. As one veteran parent said, "I am a success in my public life yet this is one place where I can fully be myself and share some of the doubts and questions about where I am heading in my life." 

Some of the journaling questions that were reflected on include:

  1. What are the strongest memories of my hopes and dreams as a child?
  2. In what ways have I followed those dreams? Where have I not?
  3. Aside from my parenting, what dreams/visions do I have for my future?

The foundation of Hyde's family program is that we believe that parents are the primary teachers, and the home is the primary classroom. The job of parenting asks us to accept and honor a commitment to help our children be the best versions of themselves. To do that, we have learned that parents must set the example of going after their best selves. It is not about inspiring your child with all your successes. Be real with them. Let go of the notion that you need to be the perfect mom or dad. If you are excited about where your relationship is with your child, enjoy being in sync and use that synergy to move the whole family forward. If you are struggling, face it, and let go of how it looks. Let others help you and learn to laugh with others and at yourself. Remember that every kid's deepest yearning is to be inspired by their parents and adult role models. We inspire our children when:

  • We share our struggles and get real with them.
  • When we grow, take risks, and go after our best.
  • When we get up every day and model character, especially in the small moments.

Ultimately, our greatest legacy to our children will be the example we have set in our lives and the growth we made to connect our unique potential.

Laura D. Gauld '76

Archive: From the Head